॥ आत्मनां उद्धरेत् आत्मनम् ॥
Gram Vikas
Gram Vikas
During the year 2018-19 we donated Rs.3,07,000/- for the project of surface bund down steam well. The project is initiated by Keshav Srushti under Village Development programme at Wadapada Talavali and thanks to this the villagers will get water for agriculture throughout the year.
Drip irrigation project at Dongripada
During the year 2019-20 we donated Rs.6.01 lakhs to Keshav Srushti for their drip irrigation project at Dongripada in Wada Taluka. About 32 families will be benefited by this project as they would be able to take two crops in a year.
फोन करा : ९३ ७२४२ ११७४
ई-मेल करा : utkarshmandalvileparle1964@gmail.com
पत्ता : मालवीय मार्ग, अुत्कर्ष मंडळ चौक, विलेपारले (पू.), मुंबई ४०००५७.
कार्यालयीन वेळ : दुपारी ३:३० वा. पासून ते सायं. ८ वाजेपर्यंत (रविवारी बंद)