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॥ आत्मनां उद्धरेत् आत्मनम् ॥

सामाजिक उत्तरदायित्व निधीतून साकारलेला उपक्रम  

कॉर्पोरेट सोशल रिस्पॉन्सिबिलिटी प्रकल्प

Mandal’s Collaborative Projects Under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

The Mandal is running two CSR projects to further enhance its work in the areas of education, skill development.

“Bringing All Round Improvement in School Education” (ARISE +)

Since 2016, this project is in operation with the support from Tech Mahindra Foundation. The object of the project is to create a stimulating learning environment, collaborate with parents and Society, development and training programs for the teachers.

The trust is given on the overall development of the students in curriculum, physical training, skill development and enhancement of general knowledge.

There is a tremendous support from the Tech Mahindra Team. They provide us vital inputs, contacts from the Education & Industry, provide our students an opportunity to enhance their skill set.

The results are very encouraging in all-around improvement in the students.

“Skills for Market Training” (SMART Program)

One more CSR project is in operation along with Tech Mahindra Foundation and New Resolution India.
There are two programs of the short-term duration of three months are conducted for the 10th passed students.
The training is provided by the dedicated and well-trained staff. New Resolution India team has also developed a network to help the students with the job placements.
Course details:
Information Technology enabled Service(ITeS)

The scope of this vertical covers training in communication skills, English speaking, IT, personality development, life skill development, Interview preparation.


In this vertical, apart from the training in personality development, the training is provided on the back-office activities in the banking sector enabling students to get back-office jobs in some of the banks.


Gram Vikas

During the year 2018-19 we donated Rs.3,07,000/- for the project of surface bund down steam well. The project is initiated by Keshav Srushti under Village Development programme at Wadapada Talavali and thanks to this the villagers will get water for agriculture throughout the year.


Drip irrigation project at Dongripada

During the year 2019-20 we donated Rs.6.01 lakhs to Keshav Srushti for their drip irrigation project at Dongripada in Wada Taluka. About 32 families will be benefited by this project as they would be able to take two crops in a year.


फोन करा :  ९३ ७२४२ ११७४
ई-मेल करा : utkarshmandalvileparle1964@gmail.com
पत्ता : मालवीय मार्ग, अुत्कर्ष मंडळ चौक, विलेपारले (पू.), मुंबई ४०००५७.

कार्यालयीन वेळ : दुपारी ३:३० वा. पासून ते सायं. ८ वाजेपर्यंत (रविवारी बंद)